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Treatment | Recovery | Sobriety | Wellness
Culturally Informed Chemical Dependency Treatment
The San Poil Treatment Center is a 46-bed facility located on the Colville Reservation in Keller, Washington. Our mission is to provide the highest quality of evidence-based residential substance abuse treatment that supports, celebrates and integrates the traditional healing practices of Indigenous people. We are focused on helping clients find their way back to their families and their culture. Our team of treatment and cultural professionals would like to extend a helping hand and invite you to join us on a walk into wellness. Your recovery journey starts here.
How We Can Help
Clients are in beautiful housing that provides a nurturing environment that promotes personal well-being and recovery.
Sustained healing through culture, spirit, traditions and heritage. Healing circles, drumming, sweating, canoe building, cultural arts & more.
Multidisciplinary Approach
Chemical dependency is complex and requires a multidisciplinary approach to treating co-occurring medical & mental health disorders.

Quotes from graduates
“When I got here they asked me to tell them one thing that was good about me, there was nothing. Now look at me… I’m a butterfly. For the first time in my life I can say, I finally love myself.”
“Thank you for showing me my potential, I didn’t know. I didn’t know my quiet could help other people.”
Benefits of the San Poil Treatment Center:
- Specialized & Culturally Driven Approach
- Trauma-Informed Treatment
- Comprehensive Team of Experts
- A Safe & Supportive Environment
- A Focus On Health
- Spiritual Healing
- ADA Accessible Rooms
Take a Tour
The San Poil Treatment Center is a newly built 46-bed residential chemical dependency treatment facility located along the beautiful San Poil River near Keller, Washington. Explore our grounds, peek inside buildings, and discover our amenities by clicking on the photo gallery to the right for a full-screen viewing experience or watch the video below.
Why San Poil Treatment Center
The San Poil Approach
Functional Benefit
Functional Benefit
Emotional Benefit
Emotional Benefit
We Specialize in Addressing the Needs of the Native American Population
The treatment program seamlessly integrates traditional knowledge and cultural activities through continuous patient-centered collaboration between cultural specialists and other behavioral health providers. Our services not only meet but surpass the requirements of various deferred prosecution programs within the justice system, adhering rigorously to evidence-based standards for modern chemical addiction treatment.
Residential stays are flexible, tailored through a blend of clinical recommendations and collaborative discussions involving residents, their support systems, and relevant professionals. Transition planning commences upon admission, meticulously crafted to sustain and enhance the strides made during residential treatment. This includes personalized discharge plans suited to each individual case, with upcoming plans to provide transitional housing options.